D Roy Choudhury Networks And Systems.pdf ((TOP))
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A Review of Networks and Systems by D. Roy Choudhury
Networks and Systems is a comprehensive textbook that covers the fundamental concepts and principles of electric networks and systems. The book is written by D. Roy Choudhury, a professor of electrical engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. The book is intended for undergraduate students of electrical engineering, but can also be useful for students of other disciplines that require a basic understanding of electric circuits and signals.
The book consists of 24 chapters that are organized into six parts. The first part deals with the basic circuit elements and waveforms, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, sources, switches, and sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal signals. The second part introduces the network theorems, such as Kirchhoff's laws, superposition, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, maximum power transfer, reciprocity, and compensation. The third part covers the graph theory and network equations, such as incidence matrix, cut-set matrix, loop matrix, tree and cotree, network topology, and network solution methods.
The fourth part explores the analogous systems and two-port networks, such as mechanical-electrical analogies, impedance and admittance parameters, hybrid parameters, transmission parameters, interconnection of two-port networks, attenuators, conventional filters, and passive network synthesis. The fifth part discusses the Fourier series and the Laplace transform, such as periodic functions, trigonometric and exponential Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform properties and applications, convolution integral, transient response and frequency domain analysis. The sixth part presents the state variable analysis and network functions, such as state equations and transition matrix, state variable formulation of network problems, network functions and poles-zeros plots, feedback system and stability criteria.
The book is well-written and easy to follow. It provides a clear explanation of the concepts and theories with numerous examples and solved problems. It also includes a large number of objective type questions and solutions to selected problems in the appendix. The book also contains digital computer programs for varieties of problems pertaining to networks and systems. The book is suitable for self-study as well as classroom teaching.
Networks and Systems by D. Roy Choudhury is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn the basics of electric networks and systems. It is available in PDF format from various online sources[^1^] [^2^] [^3^].
Some of the topics that are covered in detail in the book are network synthesis, filter design, feedback system, and frequency response plots. Network synthesis is the process of designing a network that satisfies a given set of specifications, such as impedance, admittance, or transfer function. Filter design is the process of designing a network that passes or rejects certain frequency components of a signal. Feedback system is a system that uses a portion of its output to modify its input. Frequency response plots are graphical representations of the magnitude and phase of a network function as a function of frequency.
The book also covers some advanced topics, such as state variable analysis, network functions, and convolution integral. State variable analysis is a method of analyzing the dynamic behavior of a network by using a set of variables that describe the state of the network at any instant of time. Network functions are mathematical expressions that relate the input and output variables of a network. Convolution integral is a mathematical tool that can be used to find the response of a linear system to any input signal.
The book is designed to provide a solid foundation in electric networks and systems for students and professionals. It covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject with clarity and rigor. It also helps to develop the analytical and problem-solving skills of the readers. The book is a must-read for anyone who wants to master the fundamentals of electric networks and systems.
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